(888) 671-6162
Fill out the form below and we will give you a fast offer for your vehicle. We buy cars in any condition, running or not. The quote is INSTANT and we operate 7 days a week.
Whether you are closing an estate, moving onto a new vehicle, or totaled your vehicle in an accident, getting rid of your car can be a tedious task that involves a lot of barriers many people would rather not deal with. Although the classifieds, alongside today’s many apps, are a great option in ridding yourself of your possibly memory-filled-but-junky-and-needs-to-go car, Junk That Car offers cash for junk cars in Long Beach—services for individuals who would rather skip the hassle of a back and forth process. Either by phone or website, Junk That Car offers an instant price for cars as well as same day FREE towing—allowing customers the peace of mind they need to focus on the more important things in life instead of junk car removal.
Based in Long Beach, Junk That Car frees individuals from cars they need gone—even those with you may really think should be hailed off a side of a cliff and forgotten about. No one plans to have an accident. No one plans to have their parked car hit. No person wants their car to fail to turn on. Many individuals believe that their best option is to get the best price by haggling on sale boards, or simply paying to have their vehicle scrapped. Because of the trouble that comes with getting rid of a car, individuals forget that they have options that are convenient and will put money in their pocket instead of draining their wallets. That car that you thought was just a chunk of metal ready for the scrap yard could be worth more than what you plan to pay to have it towed there and scrapped! Calling everyone—we buy cars in Long Beach!
If your car is in perfect shape and just a little old, or you are simply moving onto another adventure with a new vehicle, Junk That Car also offers the same great quick-sale opportunity to new and used cars. In fact, Junk That Car extends offers and pays cash for cars in Long Beach:
As-In-Condition: There is no need to clean your car. Do not dare pick up that vacuum and trash bag. Save it for your house.
Nice Cars: It runs, it isn’t too old, and it’s clean, but it’s also time for you to pick up something more suitable for your lifestyle right now.
Damaged Cars: It hailed the other day. A branch fell off that tree you meant to one day cut down. Somebody hit your car. Your car slammed into someone else’s… or maybe you’re just a busy person who hasn’t had time for a good cleaning and washing in like five or so years.
Non-Running Cars: Darn thing just would not turn on the other day, and you’re thinking about how expensive it will be to bring it to the shop to figure out what happened. Either that or you already brought it to the shop and it’s going to cost more to fix than what you could probably get for it. Cash in your pocket could totally be a down payment for that car you have been dreaming of.
Junk Cars: Pass me down car present? That project car you never got around to? Dad got you an old beater and you finally bought yourself a car and need to get rid of the old right-of-passage?
Cars That Do No Pass an Emissions Test: Most people don’t like tests. Apparently, your car doesn’t either. It failed. You’re ready to send it to the junk yard in Long Beach for an ever-lasting grounding. Might as well get paid for failure.
Cars with a Salvaged Title: It’s never fun to be labeled. In fact, your car could be totally fine and running, but insurance companies might continue denying you coverage or shops are charging you through the roof to fix old Betty. Although you might be able to look past the baggage your car comes with (or maybe has lost) not everyone will and that’s okay. It’s okay to let go and move on. We get it.
To convince anyone else that still has questions or needs more reasons for an easy option, Junk That Car offers cash for cars in Long Beach AND comes to you to tow your vehicle away for free. Better yet, all of the DMV paperwork will be handled by our company and you’ll walk away without loose strings and cash in your pocket.
Live in Long Beach? Don’t “speak car” and are worried about getting cheated at the lot or online? Need a speedy solution because you have better things to do than surf sale boards and reply to the same questions over and over? Don’t think anyone else will take this thing off your hands because it really isn’t worth anything at all? Junk That Car offers cash for cars in Long Beach, starting with a quote that is free of obligation as well as an explanation as to why they valued the vehicle the way they did. Before attempting to climb the massive mountain of trading or selling your car the “conventional” way, give Junk That Car a call and see what you can get in cash today.
We typically pay the following for junk cars in
Long Beach
We Buy all cars &
We Offer Free Towing
Open 7 days a week!
2000 toyota Echo | 14114-9967 | 5 years ago | $305 |
2016 dodge Challenger | 25498-4199 | 5 years ago | $321 |
1951 jeep CJ3A | 17664 | 5 years ago | $331 |
1969 porsche 914 | 47295-9738 | 5 years ago | $348 |
2014 audi Q5 | 55341 | 5 years ago | $314 |
1970 chevrolet C-10 | 40875-5491 | 5 years ago | $244 |
2004 eagle Vision | 32379-6763 | 5 years ago | $284 |
1990 porsche 911 | 45921 | 5 years ago | $164 |
1988 gmc Suburban | 50361 | 5 years ago | $302 |
1972 chevrolet Camaro | 19449-8770 | 5 years ago | $166 |
1999 land-rover Freelander | 08106-5622 | 5 years ago | $195 |
2009 mini Cooper | 66773 | 5 years ago | $251 |
2001 ford Windstar | 32041 | 5 years ago | $208 |
2010 mercedes-benz GL | 11507-0500 | 5 years ago | $306 |
2018 scion FR-S | 77787-2784 | 5 years ago | $204 |
1982 pontiac Grand Safari | 29486-9599 | 5 years ago | $174 |
1971 volkswagen 411 | 08151-7173 | 5 years ago | $166 |
2006 bentley Continental | 41501-7632 | 5 years ago | $274 |
1970 lotus Elan | 04345 | 5 years ago | $233 |
1968 ferrari 365 GT | 01402-4973 | 5 years ago | $315 |
2019 audi S3 | 85154 | 5 years ago | $284 |
Junk That Car Was fantastic to work with. I had a car that was damaged and I had no idea what to do with it. The insurance company was no help. Junk That Car made me a fair cash offer, and I highly suggest you check them out.