(888) 671-6162
Fill out the form below and we will give you a fast offer for your vehicle. We buy cars in any condition, running or not. The quote is INSTANT and we operate 7 days a week.
Here at Junk That Car in Antioch we strive to make the process as smooth and effortless for the customer as possible. We offer junk car removal with just a call over the phone to one of our reliable service members. We proudly deal in the service of junk, used, or new cars. We offer cash for junk cars in Antioch. We’ll deliver cash in hand and with you to schedule a pickup for removal that works best for you! In most cases we’re able to get everything taken care of day of. Just be ready to get a handful of cash from one our reliable team members arrive and we’ll handle the rest!
We understand here at Junk that Car that times have changed this past year. We understand that you’ve reached out to us to solve this lingering problem on the back burner or simply you came to us first, because your intuition was in the right place. Junk That Car there’s no strings attached like competitors. We’re forward, direct, and all about getting the job at hand done for you, with you. Online you can see our website and get a glimpse of our team members and what we’re all about. There’s also a page that quickly answers questions you may have. Such as, what if I haven’t paid my car off yet? How much is my car worth? These are just a few quick examples of how we can get you started on the right foot.
We offer quick and practically instant quotes through our website. Our website is inviting and easy to navigate. You’ll be able to walk through getting a quote for your vehicle by answering a few quick questions. Such as make, model, year, milage, condition, etc. This will help give you an idea of how reasonable and reliable our services really are. Our website will also give you a better understanding of who we are at Junk that Car. You’ll see reviews from previous customers that potentially shared similar situations such as yourself. We’ve practically seen it all and our open to seeing what else lies ahead.
If you’re worried about the little things that add up, don’t. We’ve already taken this into strong consideration at Junk that Car. If you're determined to part ways with your automobile, we’ll take care of the rest. That’s why we’re here. To make that moving on process as easy as possible. We offer free towing and removal to the junk yard in Antioch and in most circumstances were able to do this day of, upon agreement.
We strive to make your experience with us one that you’ll recommend to friends in family. Car removal can often be complicated. Between titles and DMV matters. To insurance companies’ failure to give you a reasonable payout after an accident. Or just dealing with web competitors that tend to fall short when it comes to the outcome you desired. We’ve got you covered though! At the end of the day Junk that Car will take any shape and make motor vehicle off your hands and replace it with a lump sum of cash in hand. We enjoy what we do and take pride in our work. We’re here to get the burden off your shoulders and leave you feeling optimistic for the adventure that lies ahead.
Junk, Totaled, Used, New there’s no limit. When we say we’ll take any car off your hands and replace it with cold hard cash, we’re truly not kidding. It could be the car that can’t pass a smog check and you can’t find a reasonable way to let go of it because it’s seemed to lose all value. It could be that old farm truck resting that has yet to move since 1978. It could be the rusted-out suburban that used to be referred to as the “soccer mom” car. That’s just seen better days due to the decade of commuting on the salted roads of New England. The car could have honestly been driven off the lot a week before and no one will give you a reasonable offer. Or in most circumstances it’s just been in one-to-many fender benders and it’s time to rip the band aid off. We can help nurse you to your next vehicle at Junk that Car in Antioch. By making the process of letting go a breeze.
Junk that car is here for you first. We want to make sure your experience with us was as effortless as possible and handled in a timely manner that works best for you. We take pride in dealing with all the hassles that lead to the second guessing. In life a lot of the time it’s all about “timing.” And if you’ve stumbled upon us from the internet, word of mouth, or elsewhere. It’s about that time to let us handle the rest. At the end of the day, we’ll leave you with no regrets, no strings attached, just cash and a bright future ahead.
We typically pay the following for junk cars in
We Buy all cars &
We Offer Free Towing
Open 7 days a week!
1973 mercury Cougar | 87038 | 5 years ago | $273 |
2000 mitsubishi Eclipse | 13891-9148 | 5 years ago | $231 |
1952 mercedes-benz 300 | 25801-4047 | 5 years ago | $300 |
1993 mercury Cougar | 07491 | 5 years ago | $192 |
2019 volvo S60 | 75173 | 5 years ago | $262 |
2005 mcc ForTwo | 47619 | 5 years ago | $305 |
1985 plymouth Gran Fury | 55934 | 5 years ago | $200 |
1997 mcc Smart | 21306-1778 | 5 years ago | $290 |
1992 volkswagen Passat | 92656-6476 | 5 years ago | $155 |
2017 volkswagen CC | 24164 | 5 years ago | $230 |
2006 pontiac SV 6 | 79074-6467 | 5 years ago | $307 |
2019 nissan Quest | 78447 | 5 years ago | $162 |
2003 gmc Sierra | 53684 | 5 years ago | $346 |
1955 ferrari 750 | 83188 | 5 years ago | $221 |
1982 saab 99 | 78919 | 5 years ago | $295 |
2012 mercedes-benz S | 17674 | 5 years ago | $246 |
2009 bmw 535 | 04441-9990 | 5 years ago | $271 |
1991 oldsmobile Silhouette | 41763 | 5 years ago | $297 |
1976 chevrolet Corvette | 72056-0325 | 5 years ago | $322 |
1970 mercury Cougar | 11400 | 5 years ago | $248 |
2008 chevrolet Avalanche | 33708 | 5 years ago | $318 |
Junk That Car Was fantastic to work with. I had a car that was damaged and I had no idea what to do with it. The insurance company was no help. Junk That Car made me a fair cash offer, and I highly suggest you check them out.